Cynthia's Recipes - Hakurei Turnips and Dill

Cynthia's Recipes - Hakurei Turnips and Dill

1 lb Hakurei Turnips

1/4 in cube of peeled ginger, chopped

4 Tbls oil

1 hot chili

1 tsp coriander, ground

1 tsp cumin, ground

1/4 tsp tumeric

2/3 cup chopped fresh dill

1/2 tsp salt

Cut turnips into 1/8 inch slices. Chop greens. Heat oil in frying pan or wok. add ginger and chili, chopped. When ginger starts to brown, add turnips and greens, and spices. Stir for 2 minutes. Add dill and salt. Cover, lower the heat, and simmer for 1-2 minutes. Lift from oil and eat hot or at room temperature.

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