Update from the Gardens

Update from the Gardens

Just as we begin to reach the end of our planting spree, the gardens are showing us how busy we are about to be.  It has been too wet to effectively cultivate, so keeping ahead of weed pressure will be a challenge.  Weeds thrive in wet conditions and they are much harder to get rid of once they are more mature and established.  When we cultivate (or disturb the top soil) around our plants, we can take care of most of the weeds in a very efficient manner using our specialized garden tools.  However, this is only effective if the surface soil is dry and the weeds are just emerging.  When the soil is as wet as it is right now, cultivation is only partially effective, and many of the weeds survive the process.

We have noticed the first of the potato beetles and cucumber beetles, so our quest to scan and conquer has begun.  With the solstice sun and the full moon, we've got the light we need to take it on.  The snap peas are emerging from hundreds of blossoms and the fava beans are starting to form their pods.  Here's to thriving gardens!

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