Update From The Gardens
The true marks of late summer are showing up in the gardens. Heads of broccoli are beginning to emerge from the center of the massive plants at the same time that tiny sprouts form along the stalk of the brussels sprout plants. We have been tasting the high sweetness of some of the early melons this past week. They include white honey dew, Sarah's choice muskmelon, and a new one we tested, named Lambkin. The cucumbers have faded away and the dominant color around the farm has become yellow (golden rod, sunchokes, sunflowers, coreopsis, tansy...). We will be planting a round of spinach, lettuce, kale, and turnips in one of our high tunnels this week that will flourish in the autumn and be harvested all winter long. This dry breezy weather has been great for making hay and we are closing in on finishing our hay making for the year. The horses, along with everyone else, have been working hard to get the winter food supply into the barn.