Update From the Gardens
Saturday's rain was deeply welcome. The earth happily recieved it here on the farm and there were almost no residual puddles. There is a certain look of renewal in certain areas of the farm. The chard is putting out broader, more robust leaves, and the kale is finally putting out new young growth. Black Eyed Susans and Purple Coneflower blossoms are bright and full. The leeks look strong and tall again, and the summer squash plants, which practically whithered away, are trying to start over with new baby leaves and fresh blossoms. Only the season will tell whether there will be enough time for the squash fruits to actually come to fruition. Autumn brassicas, like brussels and cabbage, look like they are able to breathe and expand again, while the cauliflower and brocolli is showing the mark of heat stress from the dry hot early August.