Shearing Day
The fleeces look beautiful coming off the sheep this year. This is Donna shearing one of the Romneys. None of the ewes were showing signs of lambing this week so we are watching for signs like a filled out milk bag and sunken hips to determine how close they are. It is a bit harder to predict this year because they were bred by a new ram we selected from the lambs born last year.
It is Spring in the Greenhouse!
Even with two feet of snow covering everything in sight, the show must go on! It is the beginning of the growing season at Darthia Farm and the Artichokes, Tomatoes, Eggplant, Peppers, Onions, Leeks, and Shallots are all emerging for light.
Spring Snow Day Elixer
Grate ginger into a pot of water. Simmer for 10 minutes. Strain into a pot with a splash of apple cider vinegar and maple water or maple syrup. Sip all day.
Burried in Snow
We almost thought we may get away with an earlier spring this year. The weather changes in the past week have begged to differ.
Shepsi will be leading Kirtan (call and response chanting in the folk style of India) this Sunday! 6:30pm at Ashville Yoga Studio (Mary Seward's place) in Gouldsboro. Open to all.
Holiday Collection up for Sale
As we begin to collect balsam fir tips and pine cones, we are starting to take orders for our Holiday collection of wreaths and other greenery, preserves, cookies, fiber products, salve, and garlic swags. Place your order any time on our website.