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Pac Choi (Joi Choi) Parsley Chard Broccoli/Cauliflower/Cabbage Radishes Cucumber Purple Podded Pole Beans

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Early frosts spread throughout the gardens this past week.  A light frost on Sunday morning was just enough to bite the ends of the winter squash plants and turn them to mush.  With a call for even colder temperatures Monday morning, we got the pumpkins and squash out of the garden and got them laid out on a horse drawn wagon.  They will cure there in the sun for a couple of weeks, before we bring them inside for the winter.  The hard frost monday morning killed off the zinnias, outdoor basil, and has turned the corn stalks into crispy...

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Here’s a simple recipe. Heat 1 Tbls. vegetable oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Add crushed garlic and matchstick ginger and cook until fragrant, 30 seconds. Add a pound baby park choi - cut in quarters, core intact, 2 tsp soy sauce, and 2 tablespoons water. Cover and cook 1 minute, then remove lid and cook, stirring occasionally, until cores are tender and all liquid has evaporated. Transfer to a serving dish, drizzle with 1 tsp sesame oil and sprinkle with toasted sesame seeds, if using. This is a great side dish to any meal. Pac Choi or Bok Choi can...

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Basil Cauliflower/Broccoli Kale Chard Tomatoes Cayenne Peppers  

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The color that is beginning to emanate from the pumpkins is only matched by the color leaping out of the marigold patch.  We are getting a second wave of green beans and cucumbers from our late plantings.  As we are focused mainly on harvest and preservation (freezing corn, making saurkraut, stringing up cayenne peppers to dry, making pesto), we are also trying to scan through gardens and pull any flowering weeds in order to reduce weed pressure in the coming seasons.  Our field tomatoes are showing a bit of blossom end rot, a condition tied to heavy rains after a...

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Basil can be used in many delicious foods, including desserts. Here’s a great drink recipe that’s cooling and yummy. And you can make it with or without alcohol:  Whir a peach and a little honey in the blender or processor. Add a few basil leaves and whir again. Pour in glass with ice and add club soda. If you want, add some rum or vodka. Easy and delicious.   Basil Sorbet - Put 3 cups water, 1 cup honey, 1/2 cup basil leaves, 2 Tbls lemon juice, and a pinch of cardamon powder in a blender or processor. Blend until basil...

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