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Here are a few recipes for green beans that you might not have tried: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Spread a pound of trimmed beans onto a foil lined baking sheet. Sprinkle with four cloves of minced garlic or some minced scapes. Drizzle with a little olive oil and some salt and pepper. Toss a little to coat evenly. Roast 20 - 25 minutes until tender. 2. Loubieh bil Zayt or Lebanese green beans - My first husband was Lebanese and this was always my favorite Lebanese dish. Melt a pat of butter in a saucepan. Add some sliced...

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Carrots New Potatoes Green Beans Cherry Tomatoes Lettuce Chard

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The heat continues and it feels like the summer crops are in overdrive.  We pick beans every single day, and each day we go back to find another bounty!  The cukes have come in strong and are loving the extra heat.  The Sweet Potato plants, after limping along for a month or two, are now putting out so much viney, sprawling growth, it will soon be a challange to walk around them.  Baby watermelons are forming and the sweet corn continues to stand up taller every hour.  Winter Squash plants hold their leaves out in the cooler part of the...

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Summer Squash Kale Beet Greens Lettuce Cilantro Curly Parsley

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The summer gardens are loving the arrival of mid-summer heat!  After stalling out in cool grey misty weather, the sweet corn is coming back alive with upward growth.  The zucchini and squash are now bearing fruit with confidence, and there is some color showing up in the sweet pepper patch.  As we step into the summer bounty, we are already preparing for the autumn harvest.  Our storage carrots and beets have fully emerged and we were able to get a cultivation in after the last rain we had.  If you are passing by the garden down by the road, take a...

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Neither summer squash nor zucchini has much of a taste of their own BUT they have great texture and can absorb and hold flavors. Here are some ideas: 1. slice in half lengthwise, paint oil on the cut side, and grill. When browned on both sides, put on some goat cheese and pesto. It’s my “go to” summer recipe. Delicious. 2. sliced on pizza 3. Sometimes I use it fried in oil as a substitute for eggplant in “eggplant” Parmesan. 4. Sauté in oil with chopped garlic/scapes 5. Growing up my mother steamed plain zucchini - I thought it was...

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